Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Fajita Night


This is Roxanne and I had NO idea that recipe was a "Riley Stirman Favorite." Yahoo.

Okay--here's mine that is a big time no brainer. . .and all of you wonderful moms probably already do it, but it involves MINIMAL cooking and is cheaper than eating out. We had this last night, and my VERY picky children just gobble it up. PLUS everything comes out of a box or bag unless you want to make some of Sarah/Diana Perkins' awesome salsa to go with.

Buy either chicken or beef Fajita meat (available at Sam's AND Wal-Mart(and H-E-Bs.s.))--throw it on a George Foreman-ish grill or just in a skillet on the stove to cook.

Slice thin and serve with. . .

Sour cream
flour tortillas
grated cheese
lettuce (the shredded stuff)
refried beans
other veggie of choice
tortilla chips

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